Thursday, November 12, 2009

Coupons VS. You can afford full price

A comment on Facebook was said by a ratchet that "if you can afford it" why use a coupon? Also she would clown a dude for taking her out and using a coupon. *Blank stares* *Swinging baseball bat at her head*

I was reading this article called Rich People & Coupons - A Chicken and Egg Question

and here are some excerpts

I have recently read that higher income people (over 70K/yr) use coupons frequently and conversely, low income people hardly ever use them. Now I grant you that 70K can hardly be classified as "rich" in today's world but there is enough of a difference between the two income groups that it too defies logic. You would think low income people would eagerly embrace using coupons to gain any advantage they can, and that people with a comfortable income would not feel the need. But such is not the case.

In my opinion, I think probably it boils down to attitude, a mindset. I think having an attitude of being careful with money, taking advantage of every coupon they can find, starts in people and eventually these type of people become rich. It's an attitude of not throwing away money, of understanding that the time spent clipping coupons saves way more than it costs. These types of people would rather spend the money on other things that they enjoy. I contend that people who develop the habit of using money wisely are the ones who become rich. The poor stay poor because they continue to make bad choices. No one holds you down, in this country we are free to break out of our circumstances but it takes work, no one is going to hand it to you. The American difference is we have the freedom to move from lower to upper class. Everyone faces prejudices of one sort or another. Feeling sorry for yourself or using an excuse is a cop out. Why allow anyone else's attitude toward you to hold you back? Why give them that power over you?

This is pretty good advice. So what do you think? Do you think coupons are dumb or pointless? Grown people speak up.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Berries, The Funk, and Above The Neck

So I spent the night over this chick's house and she asked me did I want to take a shower and I was leery of it because I don't like strange people's showers. If they have a guest room, I might take a shower at someone's house. If I'm out of town....of course I would have to take the shower. Any who she was making me feel like I was musky and she eventually forced me to take a shower. She brought me a set of towels. I took the towels into the bathroom I noticed that I had three wash cloths. *CRICKETS*

I took a closer look at the wash cloths and I noticed they were monogramed. One had a B, the other had an F, and the last one had an A. So I walked outside and I asked this lady.......what in the hell do these letter stand for?

She said the B were for the Berries.

The F was for the Funk.

and the A for for Above the Neck.

well damn....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cleavage......explain this to me ladies.

As I pick myself up from laughter.......

Anywho I was checking out a friends pic on Facebook and she went to a formal or semi formal event and had on a nice dress. Some other women there had on nice dresses as well. I noticed many of them had cleavage out. So I was wondering, why do women wear outfits that show cleavage. You know men are gonna look at your breasts all day/night long and want to perform mammograms on you or either motorboat. So what is actually the point?

I know some do it for attention. But most women I have asked really don't even think about their cleavage being out. I know for women with big breast, they are in a lose-lose situation every time they go out. But I'm talking about the cutting board to the little bit above average women. Why would you wear something that takes the attention off your face? If you got an ugly face, then you get an excuse. Let's honestly discuss this.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Women in DMV part 1. I have officially been in the DC Metro area for a little over 2 months. Bad really good Super Wal-Marts, no good places to go in general. Unless they are hidden, there isn't that much things that are enjoyable but payday Friday. LOL.

Nevertheless.......I have encountered quite a few women, most were intelligent, just lacked common sense. It's really annoying. Not gonna rant and rave about lots of them, but I will point out two in particular.

The first one is a lawyer who asked me to run a 5K race with her. When I saw the text I couldn't even respond because I never had been asked something so asinine in my life. Who asks people to run races? Like seriously. I'm not walking 5K let alone run it. If she wants to race me......she needs to find the first Nintendo and get a power pad.....then we can race....on hands and knees.

The second one is a high level govt employee. (Thank goodness not at my agency) Now.......she thinks because we went to the same college, we have a connection. Well that's the only part of the connection. I didn't know her while I was in school. As a matter of fact she graduated before I got there, so technically she is too old to be talking too. I'm not looking for a wolf. LMAO.

So I text her asking what's up and she like let's meet up at a haunted house. A haunted house? Seriously? WTF I look like Scooby Doo? I'm not interested in no haunted houses. If someone jumps out on me....I'm gonna jab them in the head. I am too grown to be paying to be scared by adults who clearly have no future.

Anyway stay tuned.....I'm looking for more entertainment.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The little boy.....the balloon......and this BS. if you weren't hiding under a rock today......

Some little kid in Colorado was assumed to be floating away in a man made flying saucer.

The family was previously featured on "Wife Swap"

A Massive search occurred. The flying saucer was found miles away. Boy wasn't in it. Boy found hours later in the house. LOL.

In all seriousness, who in the hell loses their child in a flying saucer? If you are building sh** at your house that can possibly carry your children away via the air, LOL, then clearly you don't need kids. Who doesn't search their house when a kid is missing? Who wouldn't tear their house apart room by room, box by box, closet by closet? This should be common sense people. They wasted so many man hours on this little bastard who is lacking parenting. Then I'm watching them interview the family and I swear the little boy said "We did it for the show." I don't even want to discuss this BS anymore.

Something is wrong America. Too many people want quick celebrity. I bet they get a show.

I blame John and Kate fake star asses.

I'm done...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Are you serious? Please do better.

OK....see this is another reason why I decided to leave Atlanta. A lot of people in Atl believe that they are celebrities and they are not. They think because they go to social events around the city, that they have actual "star" power. They think because they buy "nice" (cheap) outfits and take pictures by the "fake" paparazzi out at these events that they are really contributing to society. When in reality these people are mostly underachievers with low self esteem who are in dead end jobs and are headed towards a difficult future.

Nevertheless I was on Facebook today stirring up my typical ish. I make a comment on a pic jokingly. Then the joke goes west and I have to flex my "Internet" muscle on someone who keeps deleting the comments because honestly they are on the slow train to loserville. Nevertheless a third party is commenting as well and they leave an interesting comment that made me ponder. I will take an excerpt from the comment and try to analyze it because I honestly hope this person is not that clueless.

that's fine put us on blast then we will get more followers and publicity is good publicity and once us pr ppl flip this we will have our own reality show all off ur 2k emails u sent!

So after I deciphered that I gathered that in some people's mind they think it's cool to have a goal to be a reality star. Are you really serious? Is our society that messed up to where everyone thinks quick fame can put them on easy street? Grant it for 1 out of 100 celebrities this is true. The other 99 are pretty miserable. These are the ones you see on gossip sites or in newspaper articles in total disarray.

But whatever, who am I to judge what someone aims to be? All I'm saying is set realistic goals. Success doesn't come easy. If you aren't willing to put in hard work, then you will continue to stay on that treadmill called "the struggle." The struggle is a good place to be for a while, but eventually you have to evolve into your own. Take heed of these noble words and I didn't even go hard.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

So apparently women like to google men

Today on Facebook a friend got played by a dude. Seems like she was really disturbed because she found some stuff on the Internet about him. I know this for a fact, YOU DO NOT go digging up dirt to not find buried treasure. So if you are not prepared to find it.....DON'T GO LOOKING!!!

Ironically a comment was left saying this...

Girl the same thing happened to me except that fool was actually married! I found his myspace with pics of his wife and kids. He had just been on there 30 min before me and didn't change his married status either. The crazy thing was that I told him I was gonna google him and he told me everything I would find except that 1 major detail! Then he lied when I gave him a chance to tell me! I had to burst his bubble real quick! FYI fellas, sistas are ALWAYS a step ahead in the game whether u know it or not.

so if you were a step ahead of the game? Why are you dating married men? should have checked that after the first date. One would assume. Things that make you go hmmmm.

Are women really one step of the game? NO, neither are men. If you like someone, you like someone and always hope for the best. Sometimes it doesn't work out. That's life. Get over it. Life goes on.

My Snuggie

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sausage sample. YUCK!!!

So I stop at Giant Food today which is one of worst grocery stores known to man. Anyway I'm walking around to get a few things and I walk by the meat section and this lil Jamaican ratchet is cooking. Well I guess she was Jamaican, anyway she ask me "Do I want a sample?" I saw the sausage in the package and I was thinking to myself it's no possible way she can eff this up in an electric skillet. So I tasted it because she was looking at me. Oh my............

Intentional grounding..........Turnover on downs.....

This was the worst tasting food I ever had in my life. Disgusting. I couldn't spit it out because there was no trash can near me. I contemplated spitting it in the frozen food section in a freezer. I also contemplated spitting it on some produce. So now I'm pissed walking in the store. So I got me some shrimp from the seafood section and I see a good price on frozen shrimp as well, grabbed that and headed to the register. Oh yeah, the meat hasn't went anywhere. The lady rings up my things and I noticed that it came up a little low. I look at the screen and see what she missed. This woman doesn't even look at the screen to see she is ringing up items. COMMON SENSE says.........if someone has a 2 lb bag of shrimp....their total should be more than $10. Oh well......their loss my gain.

Full as a tick right now. Fin.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Step out on your own

Recently I located from Atlanta to Washington, DC. I didn't want to do it, I had to do it. I felt like I was in a dead end in my position and I was at the career ceiling where I would have to wait for someone to leave or die. I figured it would work out for the better. After all I was in a leadership program which groomed future leaders in my agency. The program was coming to an end, so I started applying for jobs. I got the first one I applied for. (GO FIGURE) So two months later, I was out.

What made me do it? The hell if I knew. I just knew that it was something that was necessary for my career path. Sometimes you have to leave out of your comfort zone to experience new things. You have to believe in your decisions and make it work for you. If it doesn't work, you know inside your head that you can always come back home. However, if you do might have that what if? What ifs are not good. They make you wonder.

Nevertheless, step out on your on, take a risk. It might change your life.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Halloween Costumes LMAO!!!

Oh my!! Saudi suicide bomber hid IED in his anal cavity

Off the hizzle fa shizzle!!

Time to see the good Dr.

Yo!! If your face look like this. You need to use your health insurance to clear that up. Better yet here are some remedies


Monday, September 28, 2009

Why can't you dress like Michelle Obama?

So I work in a building with various government agencies. Some VERY major in this countries affairs. Hell you see alot working two blocks from the White House. Sometimes on lunch break I walk down the street and just observe how women dress. Some conservative, some scantily clad, and some just take that risk and wear something totally inappropriate. Why can't more women dress like Michelle Obama? I mean at work, at the club, just whenever they go out. She is a well dressed woman and I wish I could meet a woman who would dress conservative like this. It gets your much further and it might even get you a doughnut.

Quote of the Day

What if Snow White was promiscuous?

So I see this women on the Metro, then I

So I'm riding home on the Metro today and I sit down across from this pretty woman who has a dot on her head. So I am assuming it is due to her religion. She has on regular clothes and is dressed nice. Toes out with polish. I can't really check her out how I want to because she is sitting down. So we go about 4 of 5 stops and she smiles at me, I don't smile back because I play like I don't see her. LOL. The next stop is her stop, so she gets up, and I see that she was blessed from the heavens above. I took my earphones off to speak, but when she got close this smell took over. I almost threw up out of my nose. Now riddle me this.......why even get dressed up nice if you stink? Grant it she could be from another country but there is no excuse, this is America the home of the soap and water. Please use it daily and wisely. She ruined my train experience for the day. Bye skunk!!

Times when you know you have to move fast

When you go in the restroom at work and you see three people grab toilet covers and enter separate stalls.

If you are confused.........

"If you are confused, take notes, shut up and listen."
-fed up employee

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Good get you up in the morning. NLT "That Girl"

Is Dig Em a Thug? the sad woman saga goes on....

Alot of times on Facebook women put up status messages that talk about relationships. Sometimes they are good, other times, it is just revealing bipolar behavior that stems from the failed ability to sustain a relationship with a man who doesn't want them in the first place. Today I saw one saying that the new school man isn't making the cut, so they want someone old school.

I'm assuming this means she wants a guy with old fashioned values. One who will open the door for her and throw his jacket down in a puddle. You know.....the one that doesn't exist. OK maybe some do exist, but I'm playing devil's advocate.

I tell women all the time, that men have to tolerate you for you to stay around. If you get on a man's nerves he will do things to make you go away.

To get to what I'm saying is basically, before you get upset because your love life isn't going as planned. Or you are over 25 and not married. Take a look at yourself. What are you bringing to the table? Are you financially stable? Are you entry level or do you have an established career? Do you present yourself as a mature woman? Do you have a good sense of humor? Anyway, hopefully, one day you will get it together.

WOW. Natural Gas DC area

So this was in May........and it almost happened again today. This is crazy. This is going to be a lawsuit because an explosion can happen again that can take out multiple stores.

All You Can Eat Seats.....Detroit Lions!!

You're an idiot. Part 1 of Mini series.

Have you ever been chatting with someone and they just keep saying dumb ish that pisses you off? This happens to me often when I'm talking to people about the simplest topics. Like I don't understand, why don't people realize when they are wrong. What's so hard about accepting the truth? Do you really think you are that important? NEWSFLASH!! You're not. You're mediocre and you are getting on my nerves. You guys think I should copy the IM and post it?

It's Not The Same

LMAO. That Teddy. This is too much.


So I had a friend stay the night the other day and I probably won’t let them stay over again. I mean have you ever had someone of the opposite sex stay the night at your house and just get entirely too comfortable. Keep in mind…..NOTHING HAPPENED. No sex, no kissing, no nothing.

So I wake up and she tells me “I got some of your juice.” I was thinking to myself WTF? So she continued to talk about how she got thirsty in the middle of the night.


As I recall when I stayed the night over a female’s house and I got thirsty in the middle of the night. I do not take the liberty to go into their kitchen and look around for drinks. I would just go to the bathroom cup my hands under the sink and drink a few sips and go back to sleep.

Then she starts going on about what kinda pie I got in the fridge. I’m like I don’t have no effin pie in the refrigerator. So at this point, I am utterly disgusted because this ratchet has violated my personal space and I really want to kick her out. I didn’t I said let me go back to sleep.

Wake up an hour or so later and she gets up and goes into the bathroom. OK, fine. I am trying my best not to listen, but I am going down the list of things you can do in someone else’s bathroom if you are spending the night.

1. Piss

2. #2

3. Possibly Bathe if you are offered a towel

4. Wash your hands

This is what I came up with. I noticed that the sink is running for an extended period of time. I’m like wondering what she is doing. So she finally comes out and she sits on the bed. I noticed that she smells all minty and fresh (Keep in mind I don’t have mint mouthwash). My thought at that exact moment was I know she didn’t use my tooth brush. So I storm into the bathroom and check my tooth brush. Thank goodness, it was dry because she would have left looking like Rihanna. (No, I don’t condone domestic violence)

Now, I’m trying to figure out what she has used in the bathroom. First of all everything on the counter top is out of place. There is water on the counter like a 5 year old was using the sink. WTF? So I rearrange things, then I take a shower and I dry off and I go look at the other set of towels and I find my spare wash cloth damp hidden under the hand towel. At this point, I’m livid. So I gather all towels and put them in the washing machine, and she knows I found the wet wash cloth and is pretty embarrassed because you didn’t say a word till she left.

Answer me this good people? Am I wrong for thinking it is inappropriate for going into someone’s refrigerator to get a drink without asking. I don’t care if they are sleep or not. Is it wrong for someone to use items in your bathroom without asking? Is that not rude? Maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s just a lack of home training. Oh well………if anyone does this to me……just expect to be defriended or used for whatever you are good for.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


OK ratchets!! You requested it it. Now you're gonna get it. The blog of Mr. Holloway. Probably the world's most interesting human. Let me tell it. AND you all agree. Nevertheless. I will try to update multiple times a week once I figure this tumblr thing out. Holla at me!!