Sunday, September 27, 2009 the sad woman saga goes on....

Alot of times on Facebook women put up status messages that talk about relationships. Sometimes they are good, other times, it is just revealing bipolar behavior that stems from the failed ability to sustain a relationship with a man who doesn't want them in the first place. Today I saw one saying that the new school man isn't making the cut, so they want someone old school.

I'm assuming this means she wants a guy with old fashioned values. One who will open the door for her and throw his jacket down in a puddle. You know.....the one that doesn't exist. OK maybe some do exist, but I'm playing devil's advocate.

I tell women all the time, that men have to tolerate you for you to stay around. If you get on a man's nerves he will do things to make you go away.

To get to what I'm saying is basically, before you get upset because your love life isn't going as planned. Or you are over 25 and not married. Take a look at yourself. What are you bringing to the table? Are you financially stable? Are you entry level or do you have an established career? Do you present yourself as a mature woman? Do you have a good sense of humor? Anyway, hopefully, one day you will get it together.


  1. Perhaps some rules on where to find the right kind of man? I'm thinking I'm looking in the wrong places. I bring a diverse and well rounded set of skills to offer but usually I get tired of the guy and I am the one that starts doing things to make them go away. Clearly, I am doing something wrong in the initial selection phase. It isn't the typical getting with thugs issue though, that has never been my thing.

  2. No one can direct you on where to find the right man. I would advise not to look at a social setting anytime, even church. The most normal people you meet are the ones you meet out doing their errands or just roaming random places. You may looking too hard. I say start off with a criteria of 3. Then work on the rest. Make it simple though.
