Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Step out on your own

Recently I located from Atlanta to Washington, DC. I didn't want to do it, I had to do it. I felt like I was in a dead end in my position and I was at the career ceiling where I would have to wait for someone to leave or die. I figured it would work out for the better. After all I was in a leadership program which groomed future leaders in my agency. The program was coming to an end, so I started applying for jobs. I got the first one I applied for. (GO FIGURE) So two months later, I was out.

What made me do it? The hell if I knew. I just knew that it was something that was necessary for my career path. Sometimes you have to leave out of your comfort zone to experience new things. You have to believe in your decisions and make it work for you. If it doesn't work, you know inside your head that you can always come back home. However, if you do might have that what if? What ifs are not good. They make you wonder.

Nevertheless, step out on your on, take a risk. It might change your life.


  1. I like what u wrote. Very inspiring.

  2. You did the right thing. At your age, the sky is the limit. I wish I would have taken advantage of all the opportunities I had when I was your age but I was a wife and mother and chose a different path. Just keep doing what you're doing and when you get to the top make it better for all of us.
